Shopping Small + Being Mindful this December

shop small for the holidays

As a small business owner myself, I care a lot about supporting other small businesses, and the holidays is the best time to do so. There are so many talented creators out there looking to make a living on their own, and they need our support this year more than ever. Beyond supporting product-based small businesses, it’s important to support local businesses and service-based brands who have been hit the hardest this year. They’re the ones who offer truly educational, healing, uplifting content and services that are so important for taking care of yourself this year!

So today I’m sharing my favorite inspiring creators of everything from cute products to fitness and wellness classes to help you find the best gifts for others and for yourself this month (because self-love is at least as important as loving others).

Artists and Handmade Shops

These are some of the amazing creators I am shopping for holiday gifts this year (and for myself!) They all have such unique designs and styles, and they each have a powerful story and message behind their work as well! I’m so inspired by each and every one of them.

positive and colorful goods designed by Steffi Lynn

Have a Nice Day by Steffi Lynn - everything from accessories and apparel to stickers and art prints.

sustainably made art apparel, accessories and home goods by Dazey LA

Dazey LA - unique art apparel and accessories, sustainably made in LA.

sustainably made fashion by Terrance Williams Design

Terrance Williams Designs - Terrance has the most beautiful handmade clothing designs, fully designed and sewn (and modeled!) by him!

beautifully handmade jewelry by BR Design Co owned by two Black sisters

BR Design Co - lightweight clay jewelry and accessories.

colorful, magical art made by Sarah Day

Sarah Day Arts - colorful and has something for everyone! I love her cosmic pieces.

sustainably made, zero-waste fashion by Tonle Design

Tonlé Design - these apparel, textiles, and gifts are all completely zero waste, which is pretty amazing.

beautiful handmade goods by Laura Makes

Laura Makes - beautiful designs all handmade for the bohemian style.

classic gold jewelry (and some colorful pieces too!) by Lola Ade a Black woman-owned company

Lola Ade - classic gold jewelry (and some colorful pieces too!)

fun fruit designs for the kitchen and home by Freckled Fuchsia

Freckled Fuchsia - lots of fun, fruity designs for the kitchen (and everywhere else).

virbrant colors painted by Sari Shyrack

Sari Shryack - super unique and vibrant original art and prints. 

queer artist Jess Bird

Bless the Messy - queer and magical and wonderful.

Health and Wellness Brands

These are all local people in my community who I have been so grateful for through this pandemic. Their work has been helping me to stay grounded and well. After the long, hard year it has been, give yourself some wellness and love. Don’t just invest in objects - make sure you’re also investing in yourself.

Melina is an energetic intuitive coach helping women in creative businesses

Melina Charis

One of my best friends from college, Melina is an amazing coach helping guide women to trust their intuition. I’m so excited to be a part of her new group coaching program, Cosmic Clarity, with Lauren Hansen to process this year and enter into the new year with a clear vision and intention. The group program closes December 8, but she’s available for individual coaching sessions too.

Anna Cantwell is a soul coach

Anna Cantwell

A former yoga teacher, friend and client of mine, Anna is an amazingly bright ray of positivity and light. She’s a Soul Coach and Meditation Expert. She just released a beautifully uplifting EP called Spirit Guide, available on Spotify. She also just completed a Kickstarter for her deck of Animal Guides cards. She has lots of wonderful ways to work with her - coaching, FB group, IG TV meditations, Zoom yoga on Thursday evenings, and more.

Felicia - Reiki healer and studier of eastern medicine

Goddess Adorned

Fe is another client and friend of mine, and a very knowledgeable healer. She has studied Reiki and other eastern medicine practices. I worked with her on her Sacred Twerks project where she helps womxn embrace their sensuality through movement. She offers soul sessions to help you get in touch with your spirituality as well as distance Reiki healing sessions. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her YouTube channel

gentle flows, yin, and restorative yoga by Deacon Conroy

Deacon Yoga

I love Deacon’s yoga classes. He creates gentle flows that keep me feeling limber. I love his celebration of props. His yin and restorative classes get me chill AF and are the perfect way to wind down at night. He has a schedule of live classes available as well as recorded ones on YouTube and IG TV that are donation based.

powerfully motivating fitness instructor Shantani

Shantani Moore

The woman who got me to love HIIT workouts! Shantani is an amazingly empowering fitness trainer. She’s all about loving yourself and your body while still pushing you to the limit and showing you that you are much more powerful than you ever knew. My favorite are the bounce classes!

Madre is a boutique studio offering integrative fitness classes

MADRE Los Angeles

This is the studio where I met Shantani. They focus on integrative fitness which includes yoga, strength training, and bounce classes. Before the pandemic hit, this was a really wonderful community that I loved to be a part of, and they’re now offering virtual classes in lieu of in-person meet-ups. Natasha is the owner and also curates the general store with lots of beautiful home goods and clean skin care.

plant-based wellness company Ami Wellness focuses on wellness for women

Ami Wellness

I can’t go without mentioning Ami Wellness. They’ve been a client of mine since last year and it is such a pleasure to work with them. The founder, Triniti Gawtrop, is a true visionary in creating a path to plant-based wellness for women. Not only are their products Ami-zing, but their company culture reflects their brand values too.

Making Mindful Choices

December is often the month when consumerism runs the most rampant in our country and around the world. This makes it harder to make thoughtful, mindful choices and very easy to splurge and overspend. It makes it difficult to see the smaller businesses working for real change over the shouting of the big brands looking to sell-sell-sell.

I encourage you to take some time to look through these shops and wellness brands and make conscious decisions to support the ones that stand out to you. Don’t just buy cheap gifts for the sake of getting a gift, and don’t neglect yourself in this season. Make purchases that support small businesses, uplift you, and provide high-quality, beautiful gifts for your loved ones. Happy holidays!