ready to shed the layers and
Be your most authentic self?

Vulnerability Challenge

A free 5-day experience


I'm officially starting my own Vulnerability Challenge, and I'd like to invite you to join me.

I am taking myself through a journey of vulnerability.

It will involve me being very honest with myself and transparent with my emotions.

This challenge is happening November 7th - 11th, 2022 and I am opening spots for those who would like to come along side me.

So let me ask you…

Do you want to feel more confident and less like an impostor?

Do you want to get out of your own way and start a journey to feeling more whole?

Do you want to stop avoiding and start taking action?

Did you hit a wall with therapy and you’re looking to go a little deeper than just talking?

Do you want to discover a fuller understanding of the why behind your feelings?

Do you want to feel free to shine as your brightest, most authentic self?

Do you want a chance to win a notebook, a rainbow decal and stickers from my shop?

if any of this tugs on you, i invite you to sign up for the Vulnerability 5-Day Challenge - yes, it's really free!

You’ll receive a daily prompt and practice that will invite you to meet your edge, step out of your comfort zone and find connection with your inner being.

you’ll also hear my own vulnerable discoveries as they unfold, step by step.

still on the cusp?

I get it.

 I’ve been frozen by fears. I wanted to feel safe so I built up walls. I ran away from emotions as fast as I could. I was the queen of avoidance.

But then I found out what was on the other side of vulnerability -

Growth, connection, confidence and so much more!

Here are some points to reflect on to help you decide. Are you…

Are you:

  • Guarded?

  • Stuck in fear?

  • Engaging in negative self-talk?

  • Consumed by what others think?

  • Uncomfortable in your emotions?

  • Seeking to improve your mental state?

  • Desiring more connectedness with yourself + others?

  • Ready to experience a sense of belonging?

if any of these resonate, i invite you to get curious about what vulnerability could do for you.

added bonus:

anyone who embarks on this challenge with me will have the opportunity to win a notebook, a rainbow decal and stickers from my shop!



What does the Vulnerability Challenge entail?

  • It starts November 7th, with the last day being November 11th. You’ll just need to carve out 15 minutes for 5 consecutive days to go through the reading, the writing prompt as well as a reflecting/connecting practice.

Is this a live meeting held at a specific time each day?

  • Nope! You will be emailed each days activities each morning of the 5 day challenge for you to complete on your own time.

What’s the catch?

  • No catch here! I’m offering this free of charge because I truly love what I do.

Do I need to bring anything or purchase any supplies beforehand?

  • If you don’t have a journal, I highly recommend one.

Will I be asked to share my discoveries or writings?

  • While I do love hearing from each of you as individuals, you won’t be asked to disclose anything to me or anyone else participating. There is an additional social sharing aspect that is totally optional. If you chose to share on IG and tag me, you will be entered to win a prize at the end of the challenge.

Is this group confidential?

  • Yes! Your personal details will not be disclosed to others or my to following in general (without full written consent, should you desire). By signing up, you will be added to my email list to hear about the latest updates + offerings. Don’t worry - it’s no more than once a week and you can unsubscribe at any time!


More about me


Hi I’m Liz

My own healing and creative journey is and has been a rollercoaster ride with many ups and downs. I’ve navigated coming to terms with childhood trauma, PTSD, depression, social anxiety, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, toxic relationships, body shame, behavioral addictions and creative block. 

Along the way, I’ve shed many layers and moved through many versions of myself. Before, I was depressed AF, totally unmotivated and the queen of avoidance.  

I spent over a decade of my life seeking healing and well-being through journaling, mindfulness, creativity, inner child work, self love and somatic healing. I’ve worked with professionals in therapy and with coaches to reprogram my mind. In 2021, I became certified in breathwork and meditation.  Through all this work, I found liberation from limiting beliefs, mental blocks, and emotional baggage that held me back for years.

I’m more confident, more creative, more consistent, and more authentically myself than I’ve EVER felt before.

Now I’m here to show others how they can transform their lives too.

I can’t wait for you to join!



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