4 Benefits of Hiring Coaches as a Creative Entrepreneur

Recently I shared why it’s important, especially as small business owners, to ask for help. I opened up about key moments in my life when I have asked for help and how those have been so transformative to my mental health and my business!

I want to get a little more specific now and share with you the benefits of hiring coaches. I have personally worked with four different coaches in the last few years, and each one had a specific expertise and was able to help me in a new and unique way. Working with these coaches was an investment not just in my business, but in myself! I want to show you the value of investing in yourself by sharing how these four amazing people helped me develop and grow into the artist, entrepreneur, coach, and person I am today.

Coaches Help You Get Ahead in Business

Around the end of 2019, I had a coaching session with my friend and fellow coach Melina Charis. She is an intuitive coach who specializes in helping women connect with their intuition to create more authentic and fulfilling lives and businesses.

Through speaking with her and telling her about the obstacles I was having in my business and the pain points it was creating, she helped me realize that I what I truly needed to fix my problems was to create better boundaries with my clients and to hire a virtual assistant to help me with tasks that were taking too much energy. It was actually exactly what I needed, not just in my business but in my personal life as well. These two things helped me create a better work-life balance, which in turn has paid off in more consistent energy, better focus, and more value in myself and in my business.

Why You Should Hire a Business Coach

By hiring a business coach, you’re bringing in not only an outside perspective, but a peer who has likely been there. You’re making time to look at your business at a distance and see where things need to change in order to grow. You’re prioritizing not just the health of your business, but your own health as a business owner! You’re bringing in an expert who can provide tools and strategies to manage and heal those pain points and see real growth both personally and professionally.

Coaches Help You Manage Your Mental Health

I started working with a trauma coach around the late fall of 2020. I won't go into the details of why we came into contact with each other (that’s a story for another day), but I do want to talk about some work that we are doing together because of our meeting. What my trauma coach does with me is called brainspotting, and it's a deep trauma healing therapy (very similar to EMDR) that helps the brain to process traumatic memories and re-file them as non-traumatic. It's incredibly powerful!

When you go through trauma, your brain codes the memory differently than it codes happy or neutral memories. Your brain actually fragments the memory, making it difficult to remember as a chronological, full event. These fragmented memories show up in bits and pieces unexpectedly, bringing feelings to the surface in a way that feels out of control. Brainspotting helps your brain to recode the memory into a neutral memory that won’t get stirred up in PTSD moments.

My coach and I have Zoom meetings where we create a safe space where I can enter these intense memories and sit in discomfort while knowing I’m secure. It’s incredibly important to have a sense of trust and safety with your coach so you can approach trauma alongside them! Brainspotting and other deep trauma healing therapies are not possible to do alone, because you need someone there to guide you in and out of the traumatic memories and help you feel secure in the process. This type of trauma coaching involves a lot of crying and emotional release, so it’s definitely not for someone who is new to their healing journey!

Why You Should Hire a Mental Health Coach

I've now worked with this trauma coach for a little over a year and I felt a HUGE shift in my confidence and my ability to take up space! It lightened the load of this heavy feeling that I am a burden. It has positively affected my chronic back pain. I have another friend who has done brainspotting as well and now experiences less fear and anxiety in small places, which was a symptom of her childhood trauma. In conversation with her, we both agree the most amazing thing about it is that it heals things that we thought were a part of ourselves - feelings and anxieties we didn’t realize could be changed. If you’re living with PTSD or even generalized anxiety, I highly recommend looking into brainspotting. It has truly been life changing.

Coaches Help You Through Life Transitions

In April of 2021, I came to the conclusion that I needed to leave my career in graphic design. I could finally see that my path was so obviously coaching! This was a huge transition, and I wanted to have support through that shift - someone to show me the ins and outs of the coaching business. I knew just the person to ask for help: Anna Cantwell

Anna was a friend who I met a few years ago in Los Angeles when she was a yoga teacher. At the time, I was leaving my previous agency job and saying I wanted something new, so she offered to teach me about coaching, insisting she thought I would be great at it. I told her no and then went right back into doing what I knew (graphic design). Once the realization finally hit me that I was meant to be a coach, I also knew that Anna had to be the person to help me transition my life onto that path.

Why Coaches are Essential During Transitions

Not only was she now a kick-ass full time coach with a booming business, but she was also a soul coach who helped women release limiting beliefs and step into their full authentic and confident selves. I was ready for that! I was done letting fear and anxiety get in the way of me being my fullest self. I was done with making myself small and being afraid to take up space. I was done with living a life that didn't fully inspire me.

When you’re entering a time of transition like I was, you need to have cheerleaders there to pick you up and keep you motivated in those insecure moments. It’s so much easier to fall back on old habits and stay in your comfort zone. Anna helped me to break through those barriers and find the confidence to take up space and shine brighter!

Coaches Help Educate You

As a part of my New Year's resolutions and goals for 2021 - before I actually decided to become a coach - I decided that I wanted to take a course on breathwork. I was stoked about breathwork after experiencing the powerful effect it had on my life in 2020!

On top of all the racial justice protests, political tensions, and the global pandemic, I was running a boutique marketing and graphic design agency that kept me extremely busy and had just received my PTSD diagnosis. Needless to say, I was juggling a lot and processing a lot of anxiety and other intense emotions. I started practicing a version of holotropic breathwork every single day for several months to help me manage my nervous system and all the responsibilities that I was carrying. This practice created the perfect space for me to really release a lot of the emotions that I was holding onto and repressing and gave me a reset for my nervous system.

How a Breathwork Coach Can Help You

I wanted to learn even more about breathwork, not just for myself but in order to help others discover the power of breath! I reached out to some friends in the spiritual and wellness world for recommendations, and a couple of them recommended Ava Johanna. Her course, the Academy of Breath, covers both the spirituality and the science behind breathwork and meditation. I’ve always been fascinated with the science of healing and meditation, but through my own healing journey I’ve discovered how far a little faith and spirituality go in healing too.

In September of 2021, after 2 months of studying the course, I became certified in breathwork and meditation! Inspired by Ava’s challenge to be all in and try a daily breathwork practice, I experienced so many shifts physically, mentally, and spiritually. And now, I’m so excited to keep sharing this with my clients and community through my breathwork lives on Instagram and as part of my 1:1 VIP container!

You Don’t Need 4 Coaches to Start Growing

Sometimes you’re only consciously ready for one thing at a time, like I was when I worked with each of these coaches. But I found that working with one often led me to the next. When I worked with Melina to grow my business, I realized how much unresolved trauma I had and sought therapy for my mental health. When I sought therapy for my mental health, I discovered the benefits of breathwork and wanted to learn more. As I learned more about breathwork and coaching in general, I realized I wanted to learn how to become a coach myself!

Now, I’m ready to offer all four of these benefits to you in one three-month coaching container, where your needs lead the process to catalyze your growth, find deeper self-understanding, and continue to level up into your highest, most authentic self.

In this container, we work together to co-create a life that you are deeply fulfilled and inspired by! As a survivor of trauma myself, my offer is a kind, compassionate, and safe space for those who have experienced any kind of trauma to fully and freely heal. If you’re ready for a change, fill out the application here!

If you’re still unsure and have some questions, send me an email to schedule a free discovery call and get to know me a bit better.

Liz Sanders