PLANT WISDOM: Out with the Old, In with the New

Woman with brown curly hair surrounded by palm leaves

Hi friends,

Did you know that when plants grow they shed leaves? As they  redirect nutrients into the area of growth, the old leaves die and make room for the new.  

This is true for all cycles of life. There is always death before there is birth. It is a truth that we could all benefit from remembering to ground us in trust through the natural changes of our lives. 

This February has brought quite a few endings for me. It turns out my slow end to January was not temporary but foreshadowing the changes to come. 

I've been shedding leaves - some that had been planned to be pruned away and others that were a bit of a surprise.  

In the past, transitions like this would bring me into scarcity mindset, but keeping this truth of life in mind has helped me to move through this time with more grace. 

Instead of contracting in fear, I have been able to hold space for both the uncertainty and the excitement of expansion. I've been envisioning new structures and paths forward. 

I'm thinking BIG - much bigger than I would have ever imagined just a few years ago.  Just like plants need to be repotted in larger containers to promote growth, we need to create a space for the next phase of life. 

It's no wonder I'm reflecting on the wisdom of plants. I recently released a blog post here all about plant care and how it reflects on our own self care. Plants have so much to teach us about living, growing, and resilience. 

Other updates:

  • I've been composting & I can't wait to share the beneficial products with other plant parents. Coming soon to the shop: Sky High Plant Food and compost soil - full of nutrients to help your plants grow real big. 

  • On Monday, I am partnering up with my friend Fe for a giveaway to celebrate partnerships in growth. Don't miss out a chance to enter on Instagram between March 1st - 8th. 

Talk soon! Until then, continue growing, stay curious and keep on healing.

Love, Liz