SLOWING DOWN: Reflecting on the Process

Hi friends,

It's been gray and cold in Los Angeles the last several days. It feels like the perfect mood as I reflect and take in the accomplishment of launching my art shop. 

It's been an unusually slow week for me. I'm trying not to allow the quiet spook my peace. I'm not used to having all this time in between, and yet I must remind myself this is all by my own plan and design. 

It is uncomfortable and unfamiliar. Growth has been my focus for so long. For the past few months, I worked diligently to build the shop. For the past few years, I dedicated myself to invest in my creative practice. For the past decade, I sought answers and healing from depression, anxiety, and trauma. All that work has culminated and brought me to this moment - to bring a dream into reality.

It has been amazing to look back at those years and see how the jobs I didn't love, the obstacles that challenged me, the mistakes I learned from, the people that I met - all had its purpose. It may not have felt like it at the time. In fact, for a long time, I struggled to truly appreciate the process. I was impatient. I wished to rush ahead to the end and be the final product - to have the shop, to have the success, to have the talent. 

Having come out the other side, I see now that there is no rushing to the end. Every phase is necessary part of the transformation to step into what's next. 

Progress can feel incredibly slow, like you're moving through honey or even backwards. And sometimes, it doesn't feel like you're moving at all. But trust, you are always changing, even in the times that feel static and stationary. 

 The question becomes are you growing toward yourself or away from yourself. Take some time to reflect this week and get real intentional. Ask yourself:

  • What phase are you in on your journey? 

  • What have you accomplished so far? 

  • What are you planning for your future self? 

  • How are you supporting your present self?

  • How can you invest in your joy? 

A great way to bring joy into your life is to start a creative project. I just released my newest blog on Designing A Creative Project to Get Your Creativity Flowing where I share the tips that helped me jumpstart my creative journey.

Talk soon! Until then, continue growing, stay curious and keep on healing.

Love, Liz