Discovering My 5 Core Business Values

As I pivot in a new direction and hone in on my goals and desires for my business (short- and long-term), I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my business values. Since you all are here supporting me and following along on my journey of conscious transformation, I wanted to share them with you! My hope is that this will both create a better understanding of my business as well as help you to think about your own values.


I value creativity, as in our innate ability to problem solve, to see possibilities, to have an open mind, to think flexibly. It is our ability to imagine and think outside of the box. It is curiosity applied to find solutions. It is connecting the dots. 

Creativity connects us to the higher power, whether that be the divine spirit, the Great Creator, God, Mother Nature, the Universe, etc. It is a gift to be had and received and given. 

Practicing creativity cultivates our relationship with our intuition and inner guidance. 


Vulnerability is “our greatest measure of courage” (Brené Brown). It is the act of taking off our armor and showing the cracks in the mask that we present to society. It is knowing that we are enough in all our human messiness. It requires trust. It creates an intimate connection. 

Vulnerability alchemizes our pain and suffering from a feeling of loneliness into a shared commonality. It acts like a fertilizer in relationships and community- creating deeper, more authentic bonds.


It’s so important to show up fully as yourself and be proud of what makes you different. Authenticity is about standing up for your values and standing fully in your truth. It is a contagious and communal act.

The more authentically we each live, the more we give permission to those around us to also be authentic. Authenticity is loving and accepting all of yourself, the good and the “bad” (the wrong, maladaptive, ugly, messy, flawed parts). 


Growth is vital for any business (or person) to value and prioritize. Growth requires accepting that life moves in cycles of growth, renewal, death, and shedding of what does not serve us. Change is inevitable and constant, which is a good thing! Change encourages growth, which intentionally steers changes in your life toward your values; toward betterment. It is living fully in the process of becoming.

Growth requires showing up for yourself with compassion. It requires you to fail and still get up and try again and again. Growth in any area of your life builds resilience through taking an active stance in your life and circumstances. It requires you to believe that you have the power and autonomy to shift our thoughts, perspectives, and patterns.


You need a support system; a safety net. A supportive community holds space for you to be authentically yourself in whatever stage of growth and healing you’re in. They accept you fully with love and create a sense of belonging. They inspire and guide you. They give you empathy and reflect back what you need. They carry you through hardship.

Community is a necessity, especially to sustain growth. It is essential to health and wellbeing. 

Not just anyone will be the right community for you, so you have to find the right people, who make loving and being with them natural for you. You need a community whose values and experiences resonate with you so they can support you in the best way possible.


These are just broad explanations of my 5 core values when it comes to my life and my business. I plan to dive into each one more in depth and how to apply them in your own life or business in upcoming blogs, but I felt it would be helpful to start out with this “introduction” to my business values.

Do any of these resonate strongly with you? Do you have values that aren’t on this list that you feel are integral to your life or business? Post on Instagram with the hashtag #subtletransformations to share what you value, or tag/DM me so I can follow along on your journey too!