ON INTEGRATION: Stepping into New Identities

Liz Sanders is a transformational coach, helping you through self evolution and into a life you feel inspired by

Hi friends,

 I can hardly believe July is over, but then again, it was a busy month. For me, the past month has been about integration: reemerging back into the world and social events as well as stepping into my new role as coach. 

I've come away with a couple realizations. 

I've been dipping my toes into what it means to be a coach and what it feels like. At first I was unsure of myself, but then I realized - despite the fact that the title feels new to me - the actions, the compassion, the giving of support to others, all of that, I've been doing for years. It comes naturally. I mean, I am the one at the party in the corner talking to someone about deep, emotional life stuff. I LIVE for that. Give me deep, intimate conversations any day over light, small talk. 

Ironically, it was just last year, I was telling my friend that I didn't think that I could be a coach. I was struggling - the pandemic hit me hard. I felt weighed down by self doubt, social anxiety, and bouts of depression. Consistency was a challenge because I was often exhausted by waves of emotional turmoil. 

Thankfully, I was prepared with my toolkit of routine and practices that would help me stay a float. Instead of avoiding and escaping the discomfort like I had in the past, I was determined to remain present and let it transform me. I also had to ask for a LOT of help. I was done thinking I could do this on my own. I was ready to receive the support I needed to release anything that was holding me back. 

And now, here I am, feeling lighter and more confident than I ever have before, in ways that I could have never imagined. I didn't think that it was possible for me to be this free of the mental, emotional, and physical manifestations of my PTSD. I needed others around me: my partner, my friends, my therapist, my coaches to hold that vision for me. 

And what a freakin' gift that has been - the greatest gift in the world, I'd say! And the most amazing part is now that I'm a coach, I can give that gift to YOU. 

It feels like I was destined to for this role, especially after having gained so much experience, wisdom and tools during a decade of my own self evolution. I am so grateful to beginning this new journey and embarking on a path of high service and impact. 

I am ready to hold space for you to transform. If you're ready too, I have a couple of new offers to check out.

  1. Join me for the Vulnerability Challenge
    Are you ready to start a journey to feeling more whole and happy? Join me for the 5-day challenge to receive a daily prompt and practice that will invite you to meet your edge, step out of your comfort zone and find openness with yourself and others. Sign up here.

  2. 1:1 Coaching Container 3 MONTHS FOR $1500 ($500/MONTH)
    Be one of my first coaching clients. I would be so honored to accompany you on your growth journey and help you co-create a life you feel inspired by! This is a highly discounted early bird special that I won’t be offering for long. If you're ready, email me to set up a discovery call.

Talk soon! Until then, continue growing, stay curious and keep on healing.

Love, Liz