Posts tagged trauma
Breaking Through Fear: The Transformative Benefits of Asking for Help When You're Hyper-Independent

I’ve always been resistant to asking for help, but last year forced me to do it again and again. I was growing and pursuing full-time self-employment, and I was healing and working on my mental health, but these experiences led me into a space of needing more support, which at first was a huge obstacle because it triggered past wounds and shadows. In the end, it became an incredibly transformative learning and growing experience.

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The Power of Vulnerability: How Sharing Your Truth Strengthens Human Connection

Being vulnerable with yourself first and foremost is incredibly important as it allows you to understand more deeply your experiences and emotions. Once you start practicing vulnerability with yourself you may find that you have the confidence to start sharing more with other people - not anyone and everyone in your life, but the right person. The person who will support you and listen to you and hold space for you.

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