Posts tagged meditation
7 Tips for Deepening Your Meditation Practice

Meditation is a challenging practice. With the fast pace of our modern society where instant gratification is valued, trends change by the day, and being stressed and overworked is worn as a badge of honor, it can be quite a challenge to simply sit still.

Most of us know or have heard of how beneficial meditation can be for our mental health, physical health, and overall well-being. But simply knowing the benefits of a practice doesn't mean that it's easy to make it into a habit.

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I just love the new year! It always gives me such energy and renewed hope. Do you get excited too?

This time of year is special to me because it sparks and supports so much of my healing and growing. A new opportunity has been given to us to begin again, to dream of something new, to plan for it (loosely!) and start the inspired actions to make that dream into a reality.

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