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Setting Goals and Intentions for Sustainable Change

The start of a new year is such a great time to start something new energetically because we are leaving behind last year and stepping into a new one - we are in a transition period. Over the last few years, setting New Year’s Resolutions has helped me make major improvements in many areas of my life. They have been a tool for getting my life on track with my goals and dreams, leading me to a more intentional and aligned life.

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Coping through Crisis: Mindfulness

The one thing we can definitely control right now is ourselves and how we care for ourselves. When we take care of ourselves, we feel protected and return the brain’s sense of safety. Self care is more than just grooming - it helps us maintain a sense of balance and control. So when you’re feeling out of control, it’s important to focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t. It’s important to take care of the self, and the first place to start is by being mindful of where you are and what your needs are.

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What is Creative Living and Healing?

Creative living and healing is a strategy for applying our creative instinct to healing from trauma, depression, and anxiety.

Creativity is an antidote to trauma, depression, and anxiety.

Trauma robs us of our imagination. It traps our minds in the past and makes it difficult to envision a way out. It takes away our agency. It victimizes us into believing our trauma is who we are and therefore, we become stuck in the past. Creativity is a way out.

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